Thursday, February 11, 2010


Expelled the Movie with discussion event

Premier Christian Radio invites you to "Expelled" the Movie.
Due to popular demand an additional screening of the controversial Intelligent Design film "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" and a debate to follow will take place on Saturday 27th February 6.30pm at Imperial College London, South Kensington.
The event will be hosted by Justin Brierley of Premier Chrisitan Radio's faith discussion programme "Unbelievable?"
For details and booking for this significant event visit
The post screening debate and Q&A time will include:
Dr. Alastair Noble (Former Inspector of Schools) and Dr. Vij Sodera (Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons) who advocate intelligent design and Prof. Keith Fox (Biology, Southampt University) and Prof. Thomas Dixon (History of Science, Queen Mary London University) who advocate Darwinian Evolution.

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