Friday, January 27, 2006


Evolution is a minority belief in Britian & 17% accept ID!

An astonishing new MORI poll, comissioned by the BBC to coincide with their recent shallow Horizon science-documentary episode examining ID, reveals that when over 2,000 survey participants were asked what best described their view of the origin and development of life:That means that 39% of Britains are decidely unconvinced by 'evolution', that 13% are agnostic (they 'did not know' what they believed), and that a belief in evolution is (just) a minority position amongst British adults.

Andrew Cohen, editor of Horizon, comments:

'I think that this poll represents our first introduction to the British public's views on this issue. Most people would have expected the public to go for evolution theory, but it seems there are lots of people who appear to believe in an alternative theory for life's origins.'

As for the British public's views on science education: 'when given a choice of three descriptions for the development of life on Earth, people were asked which one or ones they would like to see taught in science lessons in British schools:

These results make an interesting contrast with the recent Haris poll of American adults' beliefs about creation, evolution and intelligent design, where 64% chose 'creationism', 10% 'intelligent design' and 22% 'evolution'. Astonishingly, when ID as a movement has its roots in America, 7% more Britons than American's subscribe to the theory. Indeed, speaking very roughly, the figures for belief in both ID and evolution in Britian are both double that of America. Clearly, 'creationism' has a much greater following in the USA than in Britain. Perhaps this bodes well for the correct framing of the discussion about ID in Britain as a matter of 'science vs. science' rather than the tired 'science vs. religion' track taken by much of the media.

Once again, the BBC manage to inacurrately define ID as: 'the concept that certain features of living things are so complex that their existence is better explained by an "intelligent process" than natural selection.' Let me repeat, complexity per se is not the issue. The issue of specified and/or irreducible complexity.

(cf. 'Britons Unconvinced on Evolution' @

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